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Escorts Duo Corina & Lora
Why spend time with only one Amsterdam escort, when you can have fun with two sexy escorts? Corina and Lora are two naughty bisexual escorts. On the one hand, Corina is a sexy blonde with long legs, white and soft skin, on the other hand is Lora a gorgeous brown hair with tanned skin and nasty breasts. They are here to accomplished any threesome fantasies you may have helped by their slim and toned bodies and assure you a night you won’t forget so easily. Take a look at their photos and you will see the best combination which can bring you within an inch of heaven. Corina and Lora are the best duo in our agency, so do not miss them when you get in Amsterdam.
Included Services:
Dinner Date
Extra Paid Services:
Erotic massage
1 HOUR > 360 euros
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